Event Blog 2: Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER)

The LASER meeting on Thursday night was educational and mind opening. Among the number of things that I walked away with, I was particular drawn by Ariel‘s talk on light pollution, and amazed by the ‘s introduction on modern optics art. As a big fan of glitters and sparkles, I came to an understanding of the history and development of the art of light, and became more familiar with the optic atmosphere that our visual world is composed of.

 John Hood and Ariel Levi Simon’s topics tied closely to the chapter Math+Art as it reflected the possible aspects where science is used to create special holographic effects and certain algorithms is used to calculate the angle of light reflection for the satellite. The pursuit for presenting image on a 3D scale closely resembles Brunelleschi’s early pursue for the linear perspective. The second speaker’s art design well-reflected the concepts from the Biotech+Art chapter as she painted pictures with Chromatography and built sculptures that simulated the process of protein denaturalization.

While the Duchamp optic disc and the organic filled plastic bags were certainly cool works to look at, their ingenious integration of science added a different spin to the conforming art form, and became what truly inspired me. As a diver and huge fan of underwater shooting, I have used to struggle with capturing saturated shots below -30 meters. After enough research on the internet, I came to an understanding that the red color is lost at such depth and the overwhelming blue is what caused the blurry shots. With this knowledge, I purchased a red filter for my lens and expect to use it at my next underwater art expedition.



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