Event Blog 1: Museum of Jurassic Technology

My hour-long visit to the Jurassic Technology Museum was memorable and inspiring. The artifacts and displays were centered around drastically different subjects. Some told the stories of scientific expeditions on mystical creatures, while others collected urban tales of the supernatural events. The art works transcends the regular two-dimensional visual presentations and capture the viewers through holographic illusions, surrounding sounds, and immersive experiences . The underlying concepts and themes demonstrated a relation to the topics covered in class, as the artists subtly incorporated scientific elements during the creation process.

I was particular drawn by Dalton's microscopic painting. The viewers rely on eight individual microscopes to visualize his tiny masterpiece. The artist/scientist cut apart butterfly wings with different colors and rearranged them on sampling glasses to present visuals of different patterns and objects. The minuscule details shed light on Dalton's savvy craftsmanship, while the ingenious incorporation of telescopes adds a sci-fi touch to the piece. The dim-lighting contrasts the vibrant and lively visual stimulant, subtly echoing with the background renaissance music.

The event exhibits the scientist approach towards art-creation and exposes the artistic side of scientific studies. I gained a practical understanding to the integration of art and science, and was inspired to design a final project that embodies this captivating synergy. Last but not least, I would like to point out that the French garden on the second floor is simply LOVELY, and the free cookies and tea will put you in an  excellent mood for the rest of the afternoon!


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